LIVRE : Précis de Physique Exercices MP pdf LIVRE : Précis de Physique Exercices MP pdf Présentation du livre Les nouveaux Precis BREAL ,physique 2eme annee : Mecanique MP-PC ,Electromagnetique MP, Electronique MP, Optique MP -PC-PSI-PT, Thermodynamique MP , EXERCICES MP Enonces solutions commentaires . SOMAIRE PARTIE 1 : Mecanique du solide et des systemes PARTIE 2 : Electronique PARTIE 3 : Electromagnetique PARTIE 4 : Optique Ondilatoire PARTIE 5 : Thermodynamique LIVRE : Physique : MP Bergua, J.; Goulley, P.; Pierron - pdf >>> Telecharger ici
LIVRE: Microreactors. New Technology for Modern Chemistry Wolfgang Ehrfeld, Volker Hessel, Holger - 2000 - pdf
LIVRE: Microreactors. New Technology for Modern Chemistry Wolfgang Ehrfeld, Volker Hessel, Holger - 2000 - pdf LIVRE: Microreactors. New Technology for Modern Chemistry Wolfgang Ehrfeld, Volker Hessel, Holger - 2000 - pdf Présentation du livre Tiny devices with huge potential! New concepts of chemical synthesis have led to an increasing demand for miniaturization and more complex systems. Microreaction technology is a hot topic as it opens completely new possibilities for chemical engineering, combinatorial chemistry, and biotechnology. Small, inexpensive, independent, and versatile devices ensure many reactions achieve maximum selectivity, minimum waste, minimum investment, a better control of the process, safe manufacture and production on demand - to create a more efficient process. This book outlines the fabrication techniques of microfluidic components, unit operations of micro-chemical engineering and current world-wide activities. Requirements with ...
LIVRE: Survey of Industrial Chemistry - Philip J. Chenier - Topics in Applied Chemistry -pdf LIVRE: Survey of Industrial Chemistry - Philip J. Chenier - Topics in Applied Chemistry -pdf Présentation du livre Survey of Industrial Chemistry arose from a need for a basic text dealing with industrial chemistry for use in a one semester, three-credit senior level course taught at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. This edition covers all important areas of the chemical industry, yet it is reasonable that it can be covered in 40 hours of lecture. Also an excellent resource and reference for persons working in the chemical and related industries, it has sections on all important technologies used by these industries: a one-step source to answer most questions on practical, applied chemistry. Young scientists and engineers just entering the workforce will find it especially useful as a readily available handbook to prepare them for a type of chemi...
LIVRE: Computational Chemistry: A Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real World Problems- David Young - pdf
LIVRE: Computational Chemistry: A Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real World Problems- David Young - pdf LIVRE: Computational Chemistry: A Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real World Problems- David Young - pdf Présentation du livre A practical, easily accessible guide for bench-top chemists, this book focuses on accurately applying computational chemistry techniques to everyday chemistry problems. Provides nonmathematical explanations of advanced topics in computational chemistry. Focuses on when and how to apply different computational techniques. Addresses computational chemistry connections to biochemical systems and polymers. Provides a prioritized list of methods for attacking difficult computational chemistry problems, and compares advantages and disadvantages of various approximation techniques. Describes how the choice of methods of software affects requirements for computer memory and processing ...
LIVRE: Computational Chemistry Using the PC - Rogers - English - pdf LIVRE: Computational Chemistry Using the PC - Rogers - English - pdf Présentation du livre No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-750-4470, or on the web at . Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, e-mail: Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of War...
LIVRE : Crystallization J W Mullin -Butterworth-Heinemann 2001- pdf LIVRE : Crystallization J W Mullin -Butterworth-Heinemann 2001- pdf Présentation du livre Since the first publication of this definitive work nearly 40 years ago, this fourth edition has been completely rewritten.Crystallization is used at some stage in nearly all process industries as a method of production, purification or recovery of solid materials.Incorporating all the recent developments and applications of crystallization technology, Crystallization gives clear accounts of the underlying principles, a review of the past and current research themes and guidelines for equipment and process design. This new edition introduces and enlarges upon such subjects as:· Control and Separation of polymorphs and chiral crystals· Micro- and macro-mixing and the use of computer fluid dynamics· Seeding and secondary nucleation in batch crystallization processes· Incorporation of u...
Livre:Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and Models-Christopher J. Cramer-2004-pdf Livre:Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and Models-Christopher J. Cramer-2004-pdf Présentation du livre Essentials of Computational Chemistry provides a balanced introduction to this dynamic subject. Suitable for both experimentalists and theorists, a wide range of samples and applications are included drawn from all key areas. The book carefully leads the reader thorough the necessary equations providing information explanations and reasoning where necessary and firmly placing each equation in context. Somaire What are Theory, Computation, and Modeling? Molecular Mechanics Simulations of Molecular Ensembles Foundations of Molecular Orbital Theory Semiempirical Implementations of Molecular Orbital Theory Ab Initio Implementations of Hartree–Fock Molecular Orbital Theory Including Electron Correlation in Molecular Orbital Theory Dens...
Livre:Handbook of Engineering Polymeric Materials-P. Cheremisinoff-pdf Livre:Handbook of Engineering Polymeric Materials-P. Cheremisinoff-pdf Présentation du livre This authoritative resource details current technological advancements in high structure plastics and elastomers, functionalized materials, and their product applications;furnishing practical information on new and conventional polymers and products as alternative materials and end-use applications as well as providing a unique comparison of manufacturing and processing techniques from around the world. Emphasizing product characterization, performance attributes, and structural properties, the Handbook of Engineering Polymeric Materials covers advanced engineering materials blends and alloys specialty applications manufacturing and polymerization product development product and structural characterization advanced processing operations and much more! Facilitating an integrated view of the subj...
LIVRE:Schaum's Outline of Organic Chemistry-George Hademenos, George Hademenos-pdf LIVRE:Schaum's Outline of Organic Chemistry-George Hademenos, George Hademenos-pdf Présentation du livre The new edition of this study guide makes learning organic chemistry much easier than with the usual textbook, and it shows how organic chemistry is applied today in biological chemistry, medicine and industry. Grasping the concepts of this daunting subject is much easier with the clear, concise explanations backed up with hundreds of concrete examples. Students learn how to solve problems step-by-step; they can further hone their skills solving additional problems with answers. Somaire 1 STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 2 BONDING AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 3 CHEMICAL REACTIVITY AND ORGANIC REACTIONS 4 ALKANES 5 STEREOCHEMISTRY 6 ALKENES 7 ALKYL HALIDES 8 ALKYNES AND DIENES 9 CYCLIC HYDROCARBONS 10 BENZENE AND POLYNUCLEAR AROMATIC COMPOUNDS LIVRE:...
livre: Analytical Atomic Spectrometry with Flames and Plasmas-José A. C. Broekaert-pdf livre: Analytical Atomic Spectrometry with Flames and Plasmas-José A. C. Broekaert-pdf Présentation du livre Atomic spectroscopy is the oldest instrumental elemental analysis principle, the origins of which go back to the work of Bunsen and Kirchho in the mid-19th century [1]. Their work showed how the optical radiation emitted from ̄ames is characteristic of the elements present in the ̄ame gases or introduced into the burning ̄ame by various means. It had also already been observed that the inten- sities of the element-speci®c features in the spectra, namely the atomic spectral lines, changed with the amount of elemental species present. Thus the basis for both qualitative and quantitative analysis with atomic emission spectrometry was discovered. These discoveries were made possible by the availability of dispersing media such as prisms, which allowed th...
Livre:Radiation chemistry : From basics to applications in material and life sciences-pdf-Mélanie Spotheim-Maurizot, Mehran Mostafavi, Thierry Douki, Jacqueline Belloni
Livre:Radiation chemistry : From basics to applications in material and life sciences-pdf-Mélanie Spotheim-Maurizot, Mehran Mostafavi, Thierry Douki, Jacqueline Belloni Livre:Radiation chemistry : From basics to applications in material and life sciences-pdf-Mélanie Spotheim-Maurizot, Mehran Mostafavi, Thierry Douki, Jacqueline Belloni Présentation du livre Radiation chemistry is the chemistry initiated by the interaction of high-energy photons and atomic particles with matter, so-called ionising radiation. As a method of generating free radicals for applications in general chemistry the most commonly used sources of ionising radiation are 60 Co G-rays, which are photons having energies of 1.17 and 1.33 MeV (1 eV = 1.6 × 10 −19 J), or fast electrons from an accelerator with energies typically in the range 2-20 MeV. The dose absorbed by the material is expressed in grays (1 Gy = 1 J kg –1 ) and the dose rate in Gy s –1 . In each case the result of the interaction of...
Livre:Exercices résolus de chimie physique : les cours de Paul Arnaud-Lissillour, Roland; Chambaud, Gilberte; Rouquérol, Françoise-pdf
Livre:Exercices résolus de chimie physique : les cours de Paul Arnaud-Lissillour, Roland; Chambaud, Gilberte; Rouquérol, Françoise-pdf Livre:Exercices résolus de chimie physique : les cours de Paul Arnaud-Lissillour, Roland; Chambaud, Gilberte; Rouquérol, Françoise-pdf Présentation du livre Vous voulez vous entraîner à faire des exercices et résoudre des problèmes en Chimiephysique ? C’est une louable intention, mais savez-vous vraiment pour quelle raison vous êtes prêt(e) à consentir les efforts nécessaires ? Une réponse assez probable serait « C’est pour réussir à l’examen que je prépare ». Mais cette perspective utilitaire (bien légitime !) ne dispense pas de se demander précisément pourquoi l’activité de résolution de problème tient une place aussi importante dans l’enseignement des sciences, et dans les examens ou concours. Pourquoi, en définitive, impose-t-on aussi fréquemment ce type d’épreuve aux candidats, alors qu’il en existe bien d’autres. Plusieu...
Livre:Chimie organique : Stereochimie, entites reactives et reactions-pdf-Collection «Enseignement Sup Chimie»
Livre:Chimie organique : Stereochimie, entites reactives et reactions-pdf-Collection «Enseignement Sup Chimie» Livre:Chimie organique : Stereochimie, entites reactives et reactions-pdf-Collection «Enseignement Sup Chimie» Présentation du livre La chimie organique représente la partie la plus importante de la chimie du carbone. L’étude de l’élément « carbone » (à l’état pur dans le diamant, et présent à plusde 99 % dans le charbon ou le graphite) et celle d’autres composés comme les carbures métalliques représentent la partie dite inorganique ou minérale de la chimie de cet élément. L’adjectif « organique » (provenant de la vie) a une origine historique puisque la première molécule synthétisée, l’urée, était d’origine naturelle (Frédéric Wölher, 1840). La chimie organique est, de nos jours, la science qui étudie les molécules constituées d’un ou plusieurs atomes de carbone liés entre eux et à d’autres éléments comme l’hydrogène, l’oxygène, l’azote, ...

Livre : Maxi fiches de Chimie organique - 3e édition PDF Nadège Lubin-Germain , Jacques Uziel , Evelyne Chelain Maxi fiches de Chimie organique - 3e édition PDF Présentation du livre Les principales notions de la Chimie organique sont présentées en 75 fiches synthétiques de 2 à 6 pages : nomenclature, réactions, liaisons chimiques, les alcanes, les alènes, les alcynes, hydrocarbures, les arènes, les alcools... Chaque fiche est accompagnée d'une mise en pratique pour aider l'étudiant à assimiler rapidement les notions indispensables à connaître. Dans cette nouvelle édition, de nouvelles fiches ont été ajoutées (chimie verte, biomasse, solvants, spectrométrie de masse...). Auteur de l'ouvrage - Nadège Lubin-Germain - Jacques Uziel - Evelyne Chelain Livre : Maxi fiches de Chimie organique - 3e édition PDF==> Télécharger ici

Livre : Mini-manuel de Chimie organique: cours et exercices avec solutions Krausz P., Benhaddou R., Granet R. Livre : Mini-manuel de chimie organique: cours et exercices avec solutions Présentation du livre Cet ouvrage est une introduction simple et concise à la chimie organique. Après avoir exposé en première partie les notions générales, les auteurs passent en revue les principales catégories de molécules organiques. En fin de chapitre, un résumé des points-clés, des exercices et des QCM, tous corrigés, permettent à l'étudiant de tester ses connaissances et de se préparer pour l'examen. Dans cette nouvelle édition actualisée une partie des exercices a été renouvelée. Sommaire de l'ouvrage Quelques généralités. Stéréochimie. Facteurs électroniques d'équilibre et de réactivité. Méthodes spectroscopiques d'analyse des structures. Réactions organiques et mécanismes réactionnels. Alcanes. Dérivés halogènes et analogues. Alcènes et diènes....